Bathroom Supplied Fitted as Shower Room Henry St Kenilworth £8700

This is a bathroom in a home in Henry St in Kenilworth. The client requested we change the bathroom to a shower room with a shower enclosure and storage vanity basin. The total cost of this bathroom supplied and fitted £8700. The renovation took in total 9 days from start to finish to complete. We… Continue reading Bathroom Supplied Fitted as Shower Room Henry St Kenilworth £8700

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Kenilworth Bathroom Supply and Fit Ensuite Stratford £8,600

Kenilworth Bathroom Supply and Fit Ensuite Stratford £8,600 This is an ensuite in a home in Stratford. The clients requested that we update the ensuite. Resolving issues of an aging ensuite. The ensuite is a typical size ensuite measuring 186cm by 167cm. The room has the following elements, toilet, basin, radiator and shower enclosure with… Continue reading Kenilworth Bathroom Supply and Fit Ensuite Stratford £8,600

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